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Table of Contents

Current Projects

  1. P1872.2 - Standard for Autonomous Robotics (AuR) Ontology
    “The purpose of the standard is to extend the CORA ontology to represent more specific concepts and axioms that are commonly used in Autonomous Robotics. The extended ontology specifies the domain knowledge needed to build autonomous systems comprised of robots that can operate in all classes of unstructured environments.”
    - Sponsor: IEEE-RAS/SC
    - Timespan: 2017-2020
  2. EuroAGE , (Project number: 0043-EUROAGE-4-E)
    “Innovative initiatives to promote active aging in the region EuroACE”
    - Funding: Programa Interreg V-A España-Portugal (POCTEP)
    - Timespan: 2016-2019
  3. GMOVE+ An Interventional Program to promote physical activity and quality of life of elderly population from Guarda
    - Funding: FCT, through call 02/SAICT/2016
    - Timespan: 2017-2018
  4. FIRECAMP 2 Fire safety in areas dedicated to camping and caravanning activities
    - Sponsor: LAETA
    - Timespan: 2015-2017
  5. IDMEC-LAETA Strategic Project - UID/EMS/50022/2013
    - Sponsor: FCT
    - Timespan: 2015-2020
  6. KIKA: Keep it Intelligent and Keep it Autonomous, Mobile Robots for Autonomous Driving.
    Participations in the Portuguese Robotics Open:
    robot KIKA, Autonomous Driving - Challenge: 2014 and 2013 (3rd place); 2015,2012 and 2011 (4th place); 2010 and 2009 (7th place)
    robot ROBI, Autonomous Driving - Rookie: 2013 and 2012 (1st place)
    - Funding: Ciência Viva, IPCB, participants
    - Timespan: 2009-…

Past Projects

  1. IEEE-ORA 1872 - Standard for Ontologies for Robotics and Automation.
    “This standard defines an overall ontology that allows for the representation of, reasoning about, and communication of knowledge in the robotics and automation domain. This ontology includes key terms as well as their definitions, attributes, constraints, and relationships. Sub-parts of this standard include a linguistic framework, generic concepts (an upper ontology), a methodology to add new concepts, and subdomain ontologies.”
    - Sponsor: IEEE-RAS/SC
    - Timespan: 2011-2015
  2. Forest Fire Prevention Using Drones
    - Sponsor: IEEE-RAS SIGHT
    - Timespan: 2015
  3. Inovação Didáctica - Escola de Robótica.
    - Sponsor: FCT
    - Timespan: 2014-2015
  4. ROBOT@ESCOLA Robot@Escola - Escola de Robótica.
    O principal foco deste projeto é a cooperação entre equipas de professores e alunos dos ensinos básico e secundário e superior da região de Castelo Branco para o desenvolvimento de atividades na área da robótica. Os grupos das escolas participantes são convidados a definir um tema base para criação de robôs que sejam capazes de realizar tarefas do dia-a-dia com impacto na sociedade. Como apoio a alunos e professores deocrrerão workshops nas escolas participantes. Está prevista a divulgação do projeto através dos media e de site.
    - Sponsor: Ciência Viva
    - Timespan: 2013-2014
  5. IDMEC-LAETA Strategic Project - LA 22 - 2013-2014
    - Sponsor: FCT
    - Timespan: 2013-2014
  6. ECHORD The European Clearing House for Open Robotics Development.

    “The purpose of ECHORD is to significantly advance technological know-how and to pursue progress and innovation in joint technology and application development in European robotics. The main instrument for achieving this goal is by setting up the framework for European research institutions and robot manufacturers to cooperate in experiments that have a maximum duration of 18 months, a that have a specific ,concrete focus and that use state-of-the-art equipment provided by the manufacturers. The concept of the experiments is based on past experiences with joint projects, and it intends to emulate the conditions that turned those projects into success stories.”
    - Funding: EU-FP7
    - Timespan: 2012-2013

  7. HIPROB Robot-assisted and ultrasound-guided navigation for hip resurfacing arthroplasty.
    “The objective of the HipRob collaborative project is to integrate a robotic system that will aid orthopaedic surgeons in performing Hip Resurfacing prosthesis surgery with consistent high accuracy and precision. A co-manipulation robotic solution for hip resurfacing surgery based on variable impedance control for physical surgeon-robot interaction will be developed, as well as an ultrasound image sensor for non-invasive real-time bone tracking. The innovative co-manipulation setting to the medical gesture brings together the higher geometric accuracy and precision of the robot manipulator with the higher sensibility and decision making capability of the surgeon when applying force, thus resulting in clear benefits for patients, doctors and hospitals.”
    - Funding: FCT, Portuguese Science Foundation
    - Timespan: 2010-2013
  8. RAVE - “Robótica, Automação e Visão nas Escolas”
    Sponsor: Programa Ciência Viva - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
    Institution: Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Castelo Branco
    Position: Responsible
    Timespan: 2006-2007.
  9. “Image Based Classification Indexing and Inspection” (Classificação, Indexação e Inspecção Baseada em Imagem):
    Proj: POSI/EIA/60434/2004
    Sponsor: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Ministério da Ciência e da Tecnologia, enquadrado no programa operacional para a sociedade de informação - POSI
    Institution: IDMEC - Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica
    Position: Researcher
    Timespan: 2005-2007.
  10. “Visual Servoing Applied to Robot Motion Control and Navigation”:
    Sponsors: ICCTI - Instituto de Cooperação Científica e Tecnológica Internacional, enquadrado no Programa 2003 de Cooperação Científica e Técnica Luso-Francesa; INRIA - Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique
    Institutions: Instituto Superior Técnico / UTL; IRISA - Rennes (FRANCE)
    Position: Researcher
    Timespan: 2 years, during 2003 and 2004
  11. “Visual Servoing Applied to Rigid and Flexible Robot Manipulators” (Controlo Visual de Robôs Rígidos e Flexíveis):
    Proj: POCTI/EME/39946/2001
    Sponsor: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Ministério da Ciência e da Tecnologia, enquadrado no programa POCTI
    Institution: IDMEC - Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica
    Position: Researcher
    TimeSpan: 2002-2004.
  12. “Estudo e Caracterização dos Postos de Trabalho de Inspecção da Indústria Cerâmica”:
    Proj. 029-CERHAS/02
    Sponsor: IDICT- Instituição para o Desenvolvimento e Inspecção das Condições de Trabalho, no âmbito da Campanha Cerâmica
    Institution: Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Castelo Branco - Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco
    Position: Responsible
    Timespan: 2002.
  13. “Inspecção de Defeitos em Tecidos”:
    Proj. 062-CTAPJ/00
    Sponsor: IDICT- Instituição para o Desenvolvimento e Inspecção das Condições de Trabalho, no âmbito da Campanha Têxtil
    Institution: Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Castelo Branco - Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco
    Position: Responsible
    Timespan: 2000-2001
projects.txt · Last modified: 2018/04/30 00:27 by paulog
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